(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Successful requests: 25,224
Average successful requests per day: 870
Successful requests for pages: 8,848
Average successful requests for pages per day: 305
Failed requests: 2,387
Redirected requests: 1,148
Distinct files requested: 905
Distinct hosts served: 1,916
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Data transferred: 123,969 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 4,278 kbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Each unit () represents 250 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: #reqs: pages: --------: -----: -----: Feb 2000: 25224: 8848:Busiest month: Feb 2000 (8,848 requests for pages).![]()
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Each unit () represents 80 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: #reqs: pages: ---------: -----: -----: 30/Jan/00: 2723: 1276:Busiest week: week beginning 13/Feb/00 (2,424 requests for pages).6/Feb/00: 5843: 2270:
13/Feb/00: 9699: 2424:
20/Feb/00: 4941: 2147:
27/Feb/00: 2018: 731:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Each unit () represents 40 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: #reqs: pages: ---: -----: -----: Sun: 2881: 1145:Mon: 3343: 1208:
Tue: 4646: 1720:
Wed: 4995: 1231:
Thu: 3866: 1473:
Fri: 3184: 1091:
Sat: 2309: 980:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Each unit () represents 15 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: #reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 115: 70:1: 360: 192:
2: 1130: 469:
3: 838: 321:
4: 1048: 462:
5: 1174: 421:
6: 1408: 481:
7: 1506: 462:
8: 1431: 464:
9: 2075: 487:
10: 1833: 604:
11: 1114: 374:
12: 925: 413:
13: 1335: 558:
14: 1194: 517:
15: 1387: 437:
16: 1592: 513:
17: 2103: 496:
18: 688: 288:
19: 535: 201:
20: 597: 231:
21: 363: 178:
22: 289: 112:
23: 184: 97:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain -----: ------: ------ 25224: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing hosts with at least 100 requests, sorted alphabetically.
#reqs: %bytes: host -----: ------: ---- 106: 0.57%: 102: 0.11%: 138: 0.38%: 339: 0.19%: 339: 0.30%: 490: 0.24%: 147: 0.12%: 106: 0.05%: 204: 0.24%: 5076: 5.92%: 129: 0.43%: 136: 0.63%: 130: 0.26%: 140: 0.50%: 210: 0.87%: 210: 0.28%: 341: 2.82%: 495: : 106: 0.19%: 16280: 85.91%: [not listed: 1,897 hosts]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 390: 22.70%: /ivar/ 1715: 11.28%: /andreas/ 4395: 10.45%: /kickboxning/ 1631: 10.33%: /erik/ 8565: 7.30%: /hasse/ 1129: 6.40%: /jmolin/ 3309: 5.69%: /yoi/ 75: 5.43%: /stat/ 518: 5.19%: /KentEriksson/ 226: 2.69%: /images/ 600: 2.26%: [root directory] 682: 2.06%: /nike/ 125: 1.74%: /snyggast/ 48: 1.35%: /queen_killer/ 255: 1.13%: /joensson/ 199: 0.78%: /blomman/ 95: 0.72%: /logga/ 83: 0.55%: /obr/ 141: 0.46%: /anders/ 9: 0.38%: /spam/ 215: 0.34%: /trav/ 146: 0.27%: /cgi-sys/ 23: 0.25%: /prylbog/ 483: 0.07%: /icons/ 18: 0.05%: /leifet/ 4: 0.05%: /polarn/ 21: 0.02%: /test/ 124: 0.05%: [not listed: 13 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: extension -----: ------: --------- 2341: 30.97%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 176: 19.52%: .wav [WAV sound files] 4317: 17.53%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 11209: 16.43%: .gif [GIF graphics] 1585: 3.66%: .shtml 2620: 3.46%: [directories] 1911: 2.98%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 6: 1.63%: .WAV 4: 1.13%: .au 257: 1.10%: .JPG 54: 0.51%: .GIF 398: 0.45%: .js 159: 0.28%: .cgi 187: 0.37%: [not listed: 9 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
size: #reqs: %bytes: -----------: -----: ------: 0: 9594: : 1b- 10b: 1: : 11b- 100b: 287: 0.02%: 101b- 1kb: 3410: 1.20%: 1kb- 10kb: 9503: 24.92%: 10kb-100kb: 2338: 47.56%: 100kb- 1Mb: 82: 16.95%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 9: 9.36%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
#reqs: status code -----: ----------- 16157: 200 OK 81: 206 Partial content 1082: 301 Document moved permanently 66: 302 Document found elsewhere 8986: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 15: 401 Authentication required 2326: 404 Document not found 7: 408 Request timeout 39: 500 Internal server error
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: last date: file -----: ------: ---------------: ---- 2819: : 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/plus131.gif 538: 1.09%: 29/Feb/00 17:24: /hasse/main.shtml 497: 0.13%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/bg044.gif 465: 0.33%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/meny.shtml 453: 0.25%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/Resources/afi006.gif 436: 0.30%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/ 413: 0.83%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/ 388: 0.44%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/meny.js 334: 0.51%: 29/Feb/00 20:58: / 314: : 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/minus131.gif 293: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/Resources/1asi021.gif 291: 0.05%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/Resources/updated.gif 273: 0.19%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/hasses_cyber_hem_logo.gif 263: 0.29%: 29/Feb/00 17:23: /hasse/info.shtml 33: 0.04%: 28/Feb/00 14:54: /hasse/info.shtml?survey 10: 0.01%: 18/Feb/00 07:33: /hasse/info.shtml?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey?survey 255: 0.40%: 22/Feb/00 07:13: /kickboxning/start.html 247: 0.20%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/left.html 232: 0.08%: 22/Feb/00 07:13: /kickboxning/pics/kick.gif 226: 2.69%: 29/Feb/00 20:58: /images/&nu.gif 211: 0.13%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/arkiv.htm 189: 0.02%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/pics/line4.gif 187: 0.49%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/pics/menu3.gif 186: 0.02%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/pics/line2.gif 186: 0.03%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/pics/dot.gif 185: 0.03%: 22/Feb/00 06:37: /kickboxning/pics/arr2.gif 184: 0.37%: 29/Feb/00 17:11: /andreas/dl.html 174: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 21:49: /kickboxning/popup.html 171: 0.12%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/ 159: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 10:18: /nike/blue.htm 155: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/start.html 151: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/tom.html 151: 0.22%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/meny.html 149: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/header.html 146: 0.27%: 29/Feb/00 17:11: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi 85: 0.22%: 29/Feb/00 17:11: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=polarn-jr1&ft=0&pad=0&dd=B 37: 0.03%: 25/Feb/00 10:20: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=polarn-aj&ft=0&pad=0&dd=C 19: 0.02%: 6/Feb/00 05:14: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi?df=polarn-jr1&ft=0&pad=0&dd=C 142: 0.10%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/miniskif.gif 141: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 16:03: /icons/back.gif 139: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 16:03: /icons/blank.gif 136: 0.66%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/TYoi.gif 135: 0.23%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Bjutsu.gif 135: 0.23%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Bjudo.gif 135: : 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/bg.gif 134: 1.21%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/kast.gif 131: 0.20%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Thome.gif 131: 0.21%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Klubben.gif 130: 0.19%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Ju-Jutsu.gif 129: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Judo.gif 127: 0.16%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Lokal.gif 127: : 29/Feb/00 14:45: /jmolin/gul.htm 127: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Tider.gif 126: 0.19%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Styrelse.gif 125: 0.25%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Mailinglista.gif 123: 0.19%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Historia.gif 123: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Mail.gif 122: 0.66%: 29/Feb/00 11:19: /members.html 116: 0.92%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/botlogo.jpg 113: 0.55%: 29/Feb/00 23:58: /kickboxning/pics/cnet.jpg 112: 0.07%: 28/Feb/00 14:54: /hasse/roblog/ 112: 0.07%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/top.gif 112: 0.37%: 29/Feb/00 11:21: /andreas/ 112: 0.01%: 21/Feb/00 16:14: /kickboxning/blank2.html 111: 0.53%: 29/Feb/00 23:17: /kickboxning/pics/front.jpg 111: 0.24%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/skifnew.gif 111: 0.59%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /kickboxning/pics/adobe.jpg 110: 0.12%: 29/Feb/00 23:17: /kickboxning/pics/notpad.gif 110: 2.53%: 29/Feb/00 15:12: /erik/tryckning/bilder/fargtryck.jpg 107: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 11:21: /andreas/pics/ca_eyes2.gif 105: 0.55%: 29/Feb/00 15:12: /erik/tryckning/historia.html 104: 0.70%: 29/Feb/00 15:12: /erik/tryckning/bilder/tryckpress3.gif 102: 0.02%: 27/Feb/00 18:27: /andreas/cars/pics/big/f550.html 100: 2.91%: 27/Feb/00 18:27: /andreas/cars/pics/big/f550.jpg 99: 0.13%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Ovrigt.gif 99: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Tranare.gif 99: 0.61%: 29/Feb/00 11:21: /andreas/pics/&nu1.gif 98: 0.14%: 29/Feb/00 09:00: /yoi/images/Lankar.gif 93: 0.22%: 28/Feb/00 14:56: /hasse/roblog/four.gif 82: 1.75%: 21/Feb/00 16:14: /kickboxning/adress.html 81: 0.69%: 28/Feb/00 14:54: /hasse/roblog/log.htm 81: 0.18%: 29/Feb/00 21:07: /erik/vampire/ 81: 0.11%: 29/Feb/00 20:17: /erik/start.html 79: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 16:03: /icons/image2.gif 78: 0.12%: 29/Feb/00 21:07: /erik/vampire/tre2.gif 74: 0.10%: 29/Feb/00 16:03: /snyggast/ 73: 0.56%: 29/Feb/00 21:07: /erik/vampire/mat.jpg 71: 0.07%: 29/Feb/00 17:24: /hasse/wwwboard/wwwboard.html 71: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 19:40: /KentEriksson/bearse.htm 69: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 10:44: /ivar/fun/ 15: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 03:19: /ivar/fun/?comp 66: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 13:15: /icons/text.gif 65: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 16:41: /nike/main.htm 64: 0.21%: 29/Feb/00 19:40: /KentEriksson/bearse.jpg 63: 2.39%: 29/Feb/00 19:40: /KentEriksson/bearse09.jpg 61: 0.01%: 28/Feb/00 14:54: /hasse/surveysays/dot.gif 60: 1.79%: 20/Feb/00 21:04: /kickboxning/reglers.html 60: 0.06%: 21/Feb/00 16:13: /kickboxning/tavlingar.htm 59: 0.21%: 28/Feb/00 11:23: /yoi/judo.html 59: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 12:15: /nike/ 58: : 29/Feb/00 10:18: /nike/meny.htm 57: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 20:53: /kickboxning/arkiv/blegtext.gif 57: 0.63%: 29/Feb/00 20:05: /erik/tryckning/ordlista.html 57: 0.02%: 21/Feb/00 16:13: /kickboxning/aktuell2.htm 56: 0.07%: 28/Feb/00 05:59: /andreas/cars/360.html 55: : 28/Feb/00 14:54: /hasse/roblog/roblog.gif 54: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 12:18: /KentEriksson/baranski.htm 52: 0.16%: 29/Feb/00 20:05: /erik/tryckning/bilder/inkunabler.jpg 51: 0.41%: 29/Feb/00 20:05: /erik/tryckning/bilder/typ.gif 51: 0.04%: 10/Feb/00 20:19: /hasse/wwwboard/wwwadmin.pl 51: 0.51%: 29/Feb/00 20:05: /erik/tryckning/bilder/officin.jpg 48: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 05:23: /erik/tryckning/ 48: 0.02%: 28/Feb/00 07:00: /yoi/jutsu.html 47: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 01:00: /trav/sida.htm 46: 0.03%: 27/Feb/00 15:56: /andreas/cars/list.html 46: : 28/Feb/00 14:55: /hasse/roblog/white.jpg 46: 0.31%: 20/Feb/00 19:21: /kickboxning/reglerl.html 45: 0.10%: 25/Feb/00 09:20: /anders/ 44: 0.01%: 28/Feb/00 10:08: /trav/ 43: 0.15%: 29/Feb/00 22:56: /ivar/sound.html 43: 1.09%: 29/Feb/00 12:18: /KentEriksson/cy-crew.jpg 43: 0.30%: 29/Feb/00 12:18: /KentEriksson/baranski.jpg 43: 0.22%: 29/Feb/00 12:18: /KentEriksson/fs_baranski_c.jpg 41: 0.12%: 29/Feb/00 22:13: /kickboxning/arkiv/ironmancup.html 41: 0.15%: 28/Feb/00 10:08: /trav/stat.htm 40: 0.01%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/ 40: 0.23%: 25/Feb/00 10:17: /anders/bilder/main2.jpg 40: 0.15%: 28/Feb/00 14:43: /rules.html 40: 0.37%: 28/Feb/00 05:59: /andreas/cars/pics/f360.jpg 40: 0.35%: 28/Feb/00 05:59: /andreas/cars/pics/360.jpg 40: 0.07%: 28/Feb/00 07:01: /yoi/tranare.html 40: 0.04%: 28/Feb/00 11:23: /yoi/klubben.html 39: : 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/top.htm 39: 0.02%: 27/Feb/00 04:43: /andreas/cars/autos.html 39: 0.07%: 29/Feb/00 07:24: /erik/ 38: 0.01%: 28/Feb/00 10:08: /trav/logga.htm 38: : 27/Feb/00 04:43: /andreas/cars/ 36: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 01:02: /jmolin/meny.htm 36: 0.27%: 26/Feb/00 15:23: /support.html 36: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 10:40: /status.shtml 36: 0.24%: 25/Feb/00 03:15: /erik/tryckning/bilder/glad_tryckpress.jpg 36: 0.24%: 25/Feb/00 03:15: /erik/tryckning/bilder/sur_tryckpress.jpg 35: 0.01%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/main.htm 34: 0.02%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/rand.JPG 34: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 03:19: /ivar/ 33: 0.12%: 29/Feb/00 10:21: /kickboxning/arkiv/990920.htm 32: 0.04%: 28/Feb/00 06:50: /yoi/styrelse.html 32: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 17:45: /andreas/cars/550.html 32: 0.03%: 24/Feb/00 10:43: /hasse/search/search.pl 32: 0.06%: 25/Feb/00 12:01: /anders/lankar.html 31: 0.12%: 28/Feb/00 10:08: /trav/Picture2.jpg 31: 0.16%: 29/Feb/00 11:18: /erik/vampire/lexikon.html 31: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 03:05: /yoi/tider.html 31: 0.06%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/titel.JPG 31: 0.68%: 22/Feb/00 01:05: /hasse/games/bubble/bubbles.shtml 30: 0.02%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/reptiler.JPG 30: 0.03%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/jag.JPG 29: 0.03%: 24/Feb/00 10:43: /hasse/search/search.shtml 29: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 22:57: /blomman/topp.htm 29: 0.02%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/links.JPG 29: 0.03%: 11/Feb/00 02:17: /hasse/hasses_cyber_hem_logo.jpg 29: 0.03%: 26/Feb/00 02:22: /jmolin/reptiler/ormar/ 29: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 08:04: /erik/gra/ 28: 0.34%: 29/Feb/00 20:53: /kickboxning/arkiv/senaste.html 28: : 29/Feb/00 13:15: /icons/folder.gif 27: 0.02%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/judo.JPG 27: 0.05%: 26/Feb/00 10:06: /obr/ 26: 0.04%: 28/Feb/00 14:56: /hasse/roblog/browser.html 26: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 14:32: /kickboxning/arkiv/forbund.htm 26: 0.02%: 28/Feb/00 07:01: /yoi/lokal.html 26: 0.08%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/lista.html 26: 0.05%: 29/Feb/00 11:21: /andreas/me.html 25: 0.03%: 27/Feb/00 18:31: /andreas/cars/corv.html 25: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 13:04: /blomman/right.htm 25: 0.04%: 26/Feb/00 06:51: /jmolin/cameleont.JPG 25: 0.67%: 27/Feb/00 18:25: /andreas/cars/pics/big/911turbo.jpg 25: 0.18%: 28/Feb/00 14:36: /jmolin/reptiler/ödlor/skagg.htm 25: 0.10%: 29/Feb/00 16:41: /nike/border.jpg 25: 0.03%: 27/Feb/00 15:56: /andreas/cars/lotus.html 25: 0.02%: 18/Feb/00 13:28: /hasse/wwwboard/wwwboard.pl 25: 0.01%: 29/Feb/00 10:20: /inger/ 25: : 29/Feb/00 03:05: /yoi/ovrigt.html 24: 0.07%: 27/Feb/00 14:35: /jmolin/reptiler/ormar/kboa.htm 24: : 26/Feb/00 08:49: /icons/unknown.gif 24: 0.03%: 26/Feb/00 18:48: /blomman/kryss.htm 24: 0.02%: 28/Feb/00 14:55: /hasse/roblog/ip.html 24: 0.01%: 24/Feb/00 22:52: /blomman/ 24: 0.08%: 29/Feb/00 16:41: /nike/bilder/test5.gif 24: 0.19%: 26/Feb/00 09:51: /blomman/logg2.jpg 24: 0.03%: 27/Feb/00 04:44: /andreas/cars/porsche.html 23: 0.01%: 28/Feb/00 14:56: /hasse/roblog/referer.html 23: 0.15%: 28/Feb/00 13:21: /erik/mgarden.jpg 23: 0.68%: 29/Feb/00 13:31: /queen_killer/peter1.jpg 23: 0.59%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/camarilla.gif 23: 1.06%: 19/Feb/00 16:18: /andreas/cars/pics/big/911.jpg 23: 0.08%: 21/Feb/00 15:21: /kickboxning/vadar.html 23: 0.01%: 28/Feb/00 11:33: /masse/ 23: 0.13%: 28/Feb/00 13:47: /yoi/links.html 23: 0.06%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/rose.gif 23: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/ven2.gif 23: 0.08%: 27/Feb/00 04:43: /andreas/cars/compare.html 22: 0.06%: 26/Feb/00 20:04: /logga/ 22: 0.02%: 29/Feb/00 17:25: /hasse/presentation.shtml 21: : 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/white.gif 21: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/gan2.gif 21: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 03:13: /KentEriksson/arts_com.htm 21: 0.03%: 28/Feb/00 14:56: /hasse/roblog/os.html 21: 0.06%: 25/Feb/00 03:34: /jmolin/reptiler/ormar/majs.htm 21: 0.07%: 28/Feb/00 03:41: /erik/gra/lasse.jpg 20: 0.11%: 27/Feb/00 04:44: /andreas/cars/pics/porsche911.jpg 20: 0.16%: 27/Feb/00 15:56: /andreas/cars/pics/lotus.jpg 20: 0.12%: 27/Feb/00 04:44: /andreas/cars/pics/911turbo.jpg 20: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 09:46: /andreas/cars/viper.html 20: 0.09%: 27/Feb/00 04:44: /andreas/cars/pics/porscheturbo.jpg 20: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 10:20: /kickboxning/arkiv/kamp1.html 20: 0.03%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/nos2.gif 20: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/tor2.gif 20: : 21/Feb/00 15:21: /kickboxning/bilder/bg02.gif 20: 0.04%: 29/Feb/00 03:54: /erik/vampire/mal2.gif 3818: 51.06%: 29/Feb/00 23:43: [not listed: 643 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing the first 30 files by the number of failed requests, sorted by the number of failed requests.
#reqs: file -----: ---- 426: /kickboxning/bilder/dot.gif 352: /kickboxning/bilder/linje.gif 110: /robots.txt 33: /kickboxning/recensioner/farao.asp 27: /hasse/wwwboard/wwwboard.pl 26: /kickboxning/start.html 26: /kickboxning/recensioner/mortyr.asp 26: /jmolin/reptiler/%C3%B6dlor/skagg.htm 25: /kickboxning/recensioner/drakan.asp 21: /kickboxning/regler/regler2.html 20: /stats98.html 18: /anders/download/across.zip/ 18: /kickboxning/regler/regler11.html 14: /kickboxning/bilder/bar.jpg 12: /gr/dot.gif 12: /prylbog/songs.html 12: /prylbog/me.html 11: /yoi/images/%C3%96vrigt.gif 11: /test/&nu.jpg 11: /yoi/images/L%C3%A4nkar.gif 11: /kickboxning/left.html 11: /yoi/images/Tr%C3%A4nare.gif 11: /kickboxning/vadar.html 10: /favicon.ico 10: /stats9901.html 10: /kickboxning/recensioner/tonictrouble.asp 10: /test 9: /prylbog/gott.html 9: /prylbog/citat.html 9: /prylbog/fotogall.html 1069: [not listed: 765 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing referring URLs with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: URL -----: --- 228: http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query 14: http://www.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&stype=stext&kl=sv&sc=on&q=kickboxning&stq=10 195: http://www.evreka.com/query 83: http://www.carforums.com/ubb/Forum80/HTML/000415.html 79: http://ink.yahoo.com/bin/query 77: http://www.spray.se/sok/ 44: http://www.fightermag.com/lankar.html 37: http://www.carforums.com/ubb/Forum80/HTML/000415-2.html 36: http://www.algonet.se/~ivani/bk_yoi.html 32: http://www.judo.se/judolankar/judolankar_startsida.htm 31: http://se.ink.yahoo.com/bin/query_se 27: http://user.tninet.se/~ofv603o/lankar.htm 26: http://www.ju-jutsu.se/links/links.html 26: http://www.go.to/hasse 25: http://www.skunk.nu/visaskunk.asp 19: http://www.skunk.nu/visaskunk.asp?id=409690 23: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/8709/links.htm 22: http://hem.passagen.se/kickboxing/links.htm 19744: [not listed: 475 URLs]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)
Listing the first 20 browsers by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
#reqs: browser -----: ------- 14190: MSIE 5 3807: Mozilla 4 3472: MSIE 4 715: Mozilla 3 691: Mozilla 4.5 501: Gulliver 346: Slurp.so 344: MSIE 3 297: ip3000.com-crawler 231: Netscape (compatible) 229: Scooter 116: Mozilla 2 86: libwww-perl 47: InfoSeek Sidewinder 43: WebTV 29: ia_archiver 24: Googlebot 10: ArchitextSpider 5: fastlwspider 4: Slurp 22: [not listed: 15 browsers]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Host Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report: Failure Report: Referrer Report: Browser Summary)