Aubade may be booked for musical performances at any date, except for where noted in Events above, and at any location, within reasonable distance of Jönköping (and Sweden). Contact us for price, time and practical details at:
The band gladly plays at any kind of events and locations, except for those based on political and religious creeds that we do not agree with, which includes most.
All content © Aubade except where noted.
Webmaster & web design: ion: jonaofearth ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
[news] [events] [bio]
Aubade can next be seen without underwear on the interational women’s day, at Kultan, Jkpg, and backstage afterwards, still without underwear.
Age: Just enough
Function: Bass player, shouter, metal nanny
Equipment: When I'm famous this'll say something along the lines of: "This bastard abuses Ibanez basses and Hartke amps exclusively”
Played instrument since: Screaming since birth, abusing the bass since my middle teens.
Influences: "The duskfall clad in shadows counting hours..."
5 greatest albums: Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja, Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle-Earth, Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane, Pain of Salvation – One Hour by the Concrete Lake, Fear Factory - Archetype
Other bands/projects: Kollektivet Förödelsen
Previous bands/projects: Neverlast
How would you describe TtA with three words?: "Vuxna män gör saker tillsammans"
Addicted to: I can't come up with a metal enough answer at the moment!
Eats: Whatever lives on the plate
Drinks: Mineral water & plutonium
Hobbies/interests: The economic situation in Belarus
Who's the man: My old man
Philosophical self-awareness quote: "Shit happens when you party naked!"
Last mistake ever will be: Finally granting Gunde that one secret wish...
Will be remembered from/by: Probably Gunde, laughing at my stupidity
[access ramblings] additional vital Jericho