5 greatest albums: Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja, Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle-Earth, Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane, Pain of Salvation – One Hour by the Concrete Lake, Fear Factory - Archetype
How would you describe TtA with three words?: "Vuxna män gör saker tillsammans"
Addicted to: I can't come up with a metal enough answer at the moment!
Eats: Whatever lives on the plate
Drinks: Mineral water & plutonium
Hobbies/interests: The economic situation in Belarus
Who's the man: My old man
Philosophical self-awareness quote: "Shit happens when you party naked!"
Last mistake ever will be: Finally granting Gunde that one secret wish...
Will be remembered from/by: Probably Gunde, laughing at my stupidity