Aubade may be booked for musical performances at any date, except for where noted in Events above, and at any location, within reasonable distance of Jönköping (and Sweden). Contact us for price, time and practical details at:
The band gladly plays at any kind of events and locations, except for those based on political and religious creeds that we do not agree with, which includes most.
All content © Aubade except where noted.
Webmaster & web design: ion: jonaofearth ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
Aubade [news] [events] [bio]
Aubade can next be seen without underwear on the interational women’s day, at Kultan, Jkpg, and backstage afterwards, still without underwear.
Through the Ashes were born in fire and raised on hate. We spit fire and crap thunder. Every member of the band is battle-tested through a series of gruesome trials where the band member is left blind-folded in central Råslätt, with an aggravated wild kitten and a pack of fries as his only weapons. We all made it back to civilization, except Younes, who stayed behind to pester kurds.
And that’s how it all began. How it will end? Gods, it never, ever ends...
the band [access full bio] crew, props, and supreme lords Gunde:
Gunde Victor:
Loverboy, jared-skrik, helgonraggare Vigorion:
The supreme lord of stuff too numerous to mention here, mickdiva, camhora [access band pages]