Aubade may be booked for musical performances at any date, except for where noted in Events above, and at any location, within reasonable distance of Jönköping (and Sweden). Contact us for price, time and practical details at:
The band gladly plays at any kind of events and locations, except for those based on political and religious creeds that we do not agree with, which includes most.
All content © Aubade except where noted.
Webmaster & web design: ion: jonaofearth ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
[news] [events] [bio]
Aubade can next be seen without underwear on the interational women’s day, at Kultan, Jkpg, and backstage afterwards, still without underwear.
Age: Adequate
Played instrument since:I've been an ardent practicer of the noble art of meat flute for a great many years. Furthermore, my stick is worn down and well-used, but I always keep it oiled, just in case. In the summers, I travel the countryside, practicing my oral skills, to the immense satisfaction of any local farmer daughters. In addition, I've never put much trust in oral stomach support; I prefer employing the full width and depth of my throat. I am most fond of my fans, and I always shower them with golden affection, whenener the need is pressing.
(cont) I've also worked as an orchestra fellatore for the past five years. However, I've recently retired to the swedish countryside, where I enjoy the last 80 years of my life together with my fifty wives and my thailändsk minimajz-i-vatten-cultivation.

Equipment: Mini-majz, meat flute, showers of golden affection, sticks, oral skills, farmer daughters, Jerichos next of kin, a cat, and a webcam.

Influences: Klamydia, gonorre, herpes, Jarichos next of kin, självdistans.

5 greatest albums: Traci Lords - 1000 Fires, Traci Lords - 1000 Fires, Traci Lords - 1000 Fires, Traci Lords - 1000 Fires, Traci Lords - 1000 Fires

Other bands/projects: Kollektivet Förödelsen

Previous bands/projects: Cartman's Anal Probe

How would you describe TtA with three words?: Tre ord... öhh?

Addicted to: Jerichos next of kin

Eats: Jerichos next of kin

Drinks: Milk.
Out of Jerichos next of kin's cunt.

Hobbies/interests: Jerichos next of kin's...
...'s band (Kollektivet Förödelsen).

Who's the man: Jerichos next of kin

Philosophical self-awareness quote: "Jerichos next of kin"

Last mistake ever will be: Jerichos next of kin

Will be remembered from/by: Jerichos next of kin

[access ramblings] additional vital Gunde