Total successful requests: 6 956
Average successful requests per day: 250
Total successful requests for pages: 3 404
Average successful requests for pages per day: 122
Total failed requests: 1 051
Total redirected requests: 324
Number of distinct files requested: 412
Approximate number of distinct hosts served: 914
Corrupt logfile lines: 5
Total data transferred: 52 530 kbytes
Average data transferred per day: 1 885 kbytes
(Go To: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
(Go To: Top: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 80 requests for pages, or part thereof.
month: pages: -------- ----- Feb 1999: 3404:![]()
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 20 requests for pages, or part thereof.
week beg.: pages: --------- ----- Jan/31/99: 900:Feb/ 7/99: 715:
Feb/14/99: 823:
Feb/21/99: 871:
Feb/28/99: 95:
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 15 requests for pages, or part thereof.
day: pages: --- ----- Sun: 398:Mon: 502:
Tue: 597:
Wed: 495:
Thu: 555:
Fri: 432:
Sat: 425:
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 6 requests for pages, or part thereof.
hr: pages: -- ----- 0: 44:1: 54:
2: 138:
3: 103:
4: 173:
5: 171:
6: 140:
7: 198:
8: 204:
9: 195:
10: 163:
11: 166:
12: 200:
13: 220:
14: 210:
15: 274:
16: 206:
17: 181:
18: 124:
19: 65:
20: 48:
21: 58:
22: 39:
23: 30:
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: Request Report)
Printing all domains, sorted by amount of traffic.
#reqs: %bytes: domain ----- ------ ------ 6956: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Request Report)
Printing all directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic,
sorted by amount of traffic.
Printing directories to depth 1.
#reqs: %bytes: directory ----- ------ --------- 702: 31.52%: /snyggast/ 1280: 14.99%: /kickboxning/ 230: 8.46%: /anders/ 829: 6.30%: /blomman/ 858: 5.74%: /erik/ 630: 5.66%: /andreas/ 162: 5.54%: /images/ 216: 3.92%: /jmolin/ 298: 3.81%: /joensson/ 391: 3.05%: [root directory] 289: 2.80%: /nike/ 133: 2.19%: /prylbog/ 124: 2.15%: /KentEriksson/ 76: 0.99%: /logga/ 159: 0.94%: /hasse/ 69: 0.85%: /obr/ 331: 0.47%: /cgi-sys/ 72: 0.33%: /ivar/ 26: 0.26%: /polarn/ 27: 0.02%: /flemmings/ 45: 0.01%: /icons/
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report)
Printing all requested files with at least 20 requests, sorted by number of requests.
#reqs: %bytes: file ----- ------ ---- 331: 0.47%: /cgi-sys/Count.cgi 243: 0.45%: /snyggast/back.gif 221: 0.32%: /kickboxning/ 213: 3.50%: /snyggast/ 204: 1.27%: /snyggast/pxd4.gif 201: 1.06%: /kickboxning/start.html 199: 0.74%: / 193: 0.27%: /kickboxning/menu.html 188: 0.84%: /kickboxning/bilder/logo.gif 162: 5.54%: /images/&nu.jpg 115: 0.01%: /blomman/kryss.htm 97: 0.32%: /erik/vampire/ 92: 0.96%: /members.html 85: 0.19%: /erik/vampire/bg74.gif 81: 0.17%: /hasse/ 79: 0.71%: /andreas/pics/back.gif 66: 5.77%: /kickboxning/ranking/light_okt98.html 64: 0.68%: /andreas/ 62: 0.36%: /andreas/pics/&nu1.gif 61: 0.18%: /kickboxning/tavling/tavling98_2.htm 61: 0.51%: /kickboxning/vadar.html 59: 0.05%: /kickboxning/regler.html 59: 0.47%: /anders/ 57: 0.29%: /andreas/pics/&nu2.gif 56: 0.48%: /andreas/pics/&nu3.gif 55: 0.36%: /andreas/pics/&nu4.gif 55: 0.36%: /andreas/pics/&nu5.gif 53: 0.01%: /nike/blue.htm 52: 0.03%: /erik/start.html 50: 0.34%: /anders/bilder/mig.jpg 50: 0.89%: /anders/bilder/main2.jpg 49: 0.18%: /anders/bilder/nu.jpg 48: 0.07%: /blomman/right.htm 48: 0.52%: /blomman/logg.jpg 46: 0.28%: /kickboxning/tankar/tankar.html 46: 0.22%: /erik/vampire/lista.html 45: 1.96%: /erik/vampire/camarilla.gif 45: 0.63%: /blomman/maillight.gif 44: 0.01%: /blomman/topp.htm 44: 0.02%: /blomman/ 43: 0.11%: /erik/vampire/tre2.gif 42: 0.12%: /blomman/slimebar.gif 42: 0.21%: /erik/vampire/background.gif 42: 0.11%: /erik/vampire/gan2.gif 42: 0.08%: /erik/vampire/ven2.gif 42: 0.09%: /kickboxning/utskick/utskick.html 41: 0.01%: /blomman/star.htm 41: 0.01%: /blomman/ghost.htm 41: 0.01%: /blomman/vkryss.htm 41: 0.43%: /rules.html 41: 0.18%: /erik/vampire/rose.gif 40: 0.13%: /erik/vampire/bru2.gif 40: 0.27%: /blomman/mapp.jpg 40: 0.02%: /blomman/lista.htm 39: 0.30%: /blomman/star.jpg 38: 0.11%: /erik/vampire/tor2.gif 38: 0.11%: /erik/vampire/mal2.gif 38: 0.05%: /erik/vampire/ank.gif 37: 0.09%: /erik/vampire/nos2.gif 36: 0.03%: /blomman/ghost2.gif 36: 3.21%: /kickboxning/reglers.html 36: 0.06%: /kickboxning/utskick/word.gif 35: 0.25%: /jmolin/jag.html 33: 0.58%: /kickboxning/reglerl.html 30: 0.17%: /ivar/fun/ 30: 0.15%: /andreas/dl.html 28: 0.01%: /jmolin/gul.htm 27: 0.02%: /flemmings/ 26: 0.43%: /support.html 26: 0.04%: /hasse/&nu_shrink.jpg 25: 0.06%: /status.shtml 22: 0.04%: /ivar/ 21: 0.02%: /nike/main.htm 21: 0.01%: /icons/back.gif 21: 0.01%: /icons/blank.gif 21: 0.12%: /logga/ 20: 0.01%: /nike/meny.htm 20: 0.36%: /erik/vampire/lexikon.html
(Go To: Top: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Directory Report: Request Report)