&Nu Regulation

    Regulation (or "The rules") that apply for och.nu.

  • Objective

    To create and maintain a domain so that the members in this domain can have a personal touch to there web and mail addresses.

  • Membership

    The membership is based on the calendar year. The only way to become a member is to be recommended by one or more members. If a member object to an appliance the question have to be taken to discussion, see Disagree.

  • Entrance

    It's of course possible to become a member anytime. Ask your reference at och.nu to throw a mail at Postmaster where he/she/it is saying that you are appealing for membership, and a mail adress where to be reached.

    Information that are of interest when you are applying are what mail adress/mail alias you wish to have, if you want to forward your mail and in tat case where to, or if you what a POP-account. This is also a good place to tell if you wish to have web space.

  • Departure

    If someone wants to leave our domain it's simplest to do this at the beginning/end of the year. No money or similar will be paid back if someone is to departure during the year. Report your wish to leave to the Postmaster, and he/she/it will fix this.

  • Charge

    Payment is due in the beginning of the year.
    We will then decide what the fee fro the year will be (based on the amount of member). It's also important that no one will suffer economic damage from what others may do at the domain.

  • Disagreement

    If there is something that can't be agreed on concerning our domain, then it's time to call the members together in a council, as a mailinglist or over a cup of coffee if the involved is happened to live nearby. If there is no agreement after a while, the members have to vote and the result can only be overruled by a majority of another vote.
    In other word "The domains highest ruling organ has to be a direct democratic order and consist of the majority of the members."

  • Administration

    Web & Postmaster word are the law in our domain, he/she can be appointed or removed by the members, that is through a discussion and voting by the majority of the members. The members can not overrule web & Postmaster word, he/she can only be appointed or removed by them.

    The administration should be appointed to someone of the members that have the knowledge concerning Web & Mail to maintain the position.

  • Webmaster

    Handle the main domain pages, or the delegation of the work to someone of the members. He/she/it is also the person who handles passwords for members with webspace.

  • Postmaster

    Handle the mail filter that sorts the mail, is also the one who redistribution mails that could not find their address. Is also the one to talk to about mailalias and mailinglists.

  • Economic

    He who administrates the domain economy (for the moment Postmaster) is also responsible to give a suggesting for the new fee and for collecting the fee from our member's in the beginning of the year.

  • Mail and Web adress

    It's up to you to choose, first there gets it!!

  • Mail

    Pair has a limit at 1M per mail. We should try to avoid sending & receivinbig mail. That means that large binaries should be posted through another account than that on our domain, sorry...

  • Web

    The space at our account is divided between the web and the mailboxes (for those with POP-account). Each member has access to there "own" directory where the can put his or her WebPages. Our WebPages is not to contain "porno" since our provider is not dimensioned for maintain that kind of service.

    We trust our members who are administrating WebPages at och.nu not to change anything other than there own files (that is, the files in their own directory). If someone is discovered to fiddling with other files he/she will be dispelled directly and permanent from the domain.

  • ?? Password ??

    We have one password for the whole domain, the members who administrate WebPages will have access to it. It shall not be spread through anyone else than Webmaster.
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