News & OldsMusic

Events Media

[T]h[e]i[r]story Banter & Slander

Neverlast will never last, but while it lasts, last with us!

Never, ever forget the principles of recurving, circular entropy:

That if anything lasts, it will eventually end. And while everything ends, nothing last!

It helps to think about it like this: nothing is. This mode of thought has done me wonders on some mornings...

If, against all reason, you are here to last, pay a visit to the News section, to know about the little changes to our digital abode and the band that you would never notice yourself. In Events, you'll find plenty of opportunity to enjoy a short but lasting moment of Neverlast on stage. [T]h[e]i[r]story, for all the confusion involved in its naming, is a concise history of the band, complete with personal profiles and all those things you will wish you could forget about all the Nevermembers.

Furthermore, Music is where you will find us the way our talents meant for us to be discovered: perhaps not ever nor at all, but still as honest as you will ever find us. This is our music, and some say this is the reason this webpage exists. You and me, we know the tunes are just an excuse. It's the coverage that truly matters... which brings us to Media, where you will, quite unlike the music link, find very little honesty or talent, but tons of make-up, cleverly hidden stylists, and scores of retakes. This is us, in image and video, but not in truth.

Finally, Slander takes you to our forums, where you can communicate extrapersonally with other fans, and have all those nasty Neverlast rumours denied to the point of the extortion hidden behind becoming painfully clear. And here, here is where you will find the Neverlast Digital Backstage, a mythical place made all the more legendary by the fact that it might only exist in potentia. The more of you who click this link, register, quit your dayjob, and start filling your days with the theories of recurving, circular entropy, the sooner we will know...

Neverlast may be booked for musical performances at any date, except for where noted in Events above, and at any location, within reasonable distance of Jönköping (and Sweden). Contact us for price, time and practical details at:


The band gladly plays at any kind of events and locations, except for those based on political and religious creeds that we do not agree with, which includes most.

All content © Neverlast except where noted.

Webmaster and design: ion: ayjona ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com