5 greatest albums: Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euforic Misanthropia, Rammstein - Mutter, In Flames - Soundtrack to Your Escape, Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper, System of a Down - Steal This Album!
Other bands/projects: None so far
Previous bands/projects: None so far..
How would you describe TtA with three words?: erm.. hm.. dunno
Addicted to: Life
Eats: Anything with sugar
Drinks: Coke
Hobbies/interests: Tricking, Theater, Music
Who's the man: Who the hell wrote these questions??
Philosophical self-awareness quote: So, I don't have enough personality to write one quote, how the hell will I be able to write two??
Last mistake ever will be: Dying
Will be remembered from/by: At least my parents I hope... (wow, how gothic am I??)