Sputnik SaturnaSputnik Saturna; Спутник Сатурна; [spû'tnik satû'rna] .
[Sputnik [Спутник]; Russian for "companion". In astronomy "moon" or "satellite". ]

Sputnik Saturna is a one woman experiment raised in Gothenburg, Sweden, in November 2011 by a contemporary visual artist who lives and loves in space.

The project began in her mind long before it gained material shape but not as something to be re-used. As you enter a new world, your knowledge may show to be useless; thus you need to explore the new environments before adapting to them.

The process is nothing but pure exploration of what you can do with a minimum of electronic equipment and the purpose is freedom. Why chase around after the perfect band members that you will never find, when you can do it all yourself?

Planet Saturn rising and setting times, March 10th, 2012, Gothenburg: 21:32 - 07:55  
Latest track: The Light of Andromeda [Instrumental] 2012.03.10
Listen to more on Soundcloud